176: The folly of chasing efficiency

May 2, 2019 by Joshua
in Podcast

Silicon Valley, governments, and lots of people are pushing for efficiency. I do too, but only after changing systemic beliefs and goals.

The greatest cause of global warming would have looked like the greenest clean energy innovation ever: the Watt steam engine. It led to our environmental problems today more than anything else.

We’d be fools to think today’s green clean energy will do any different. Changing beliefs and goals will create results, not ignorantly continuing the patterns that got us here, thinking we’re different.

Efficiency is different than reducing total waste. An LED will never compete with simply turning off the light. If you thought, but the light enables things, that belief, especially if you reflexively believe that the alternative to technology is the stone age, is the cause of global warming and our other environmental problems because it drives continuing the behavior that got us here.

What I’m saying won’t change that belief. In my experience few things change belief, rarely facts, figures, doom, gloom, guilt, shame. Definitely not continuing what you’re doing. What does? New experiences and community.

I’m not going to get into leadership and what influences motivations, emotions, beliefs, and behavior, but I’ll tell you that if we don’t change our behavior and beliefs, if we could magically return CO2 levels to pre-industrial revolution, we’d be back here pretty quickly.

And our behavior for centuries has been to make things more efficient, ignoring total waste, which we’ve increased. Almost nobody wants to consider consuming and producing less, despite reduce, reuse, recycle starting with reduce.

Folks, when people say that not acting now means we’ll have to act more later to keep the earth able to maintain a population and society something like ours, they mean it. And people have been saying that for generations. If you believe efficiency only will make a difference, you aren’t changing at all. You’re doing exactly what got us here.

Change would be to reduce.

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