257: Larry Yatch, part 1: Navy SEAL Officer precision leadership
Do you want to reach your potential? Do you want to get past seeing your properties as limitations?
Larry shares going from being what he is and we all are — regular people — to living his dream. An elite dream.
My biggest takeaway from the conversation you’re about to hear is accessibility and desire to help. That is, Larry Yatch wants us to get that what he did, we can all do. You may not want to become a SEAL, but to become your version — that is, what you dream for yourself. And he wants to help enable you to do it.
Whatever your doubts or insecurities, you have something you will love as much as he loved what he did and loves what he does. Clean air, land, and water might not be it for you as they have become for me, but I bet you’ll get a lot more out of acting on them than you’d expect.
Larry cuts to the core of leadership. He’s precise. He wants you to understand and practice effectively, not to kind of sort of get it.
I used to think military leadership was simple. There’s a chain of command. Just tell someone what to do and he does it. That’s not even close. It’s based in social and emotion skills of teamwork, training, and things that apply to all teamwork. Whether you perform at his level or not, the rewards of living by your values, will be worth it.
On a personal note, I don’t know how my performance compares with his, but to the extent it does, I’ve found putting the effort in to live by my values liberating, joyful, creating community, connecting.