487: Karen Shragg E.D.D., part 1: At last, simple, reasonably talk on (over)population
We can dance around our environmental problems all we want. Understand them enough and we eventually reach overconsumption and overpopulation. These overshoots contribute to everything.
We at least talk about overconsumption, even if few are acting. Decades ago, the public talked about population, but didn’t act. Today we don’t talk about it. All the numbers I see suggest the Earth can sustain two or three billion people with roughly western European consumption levels. I’d love to live in a world with two billion people, like what produced Mozart and Einstein.
Karen has been working on helping society face our problem of too many people being alive at once longer than I have. I’ve only been able to talk about it since learning from (TSL guest) Alan Weisman’s Countdown about (TSL guest) Mechai Viravaidya helping solve the problem. She’s been treating it a lot longer. She also knows I think all the podcast guests I talked to about population. She also knows many environmentalists who never acted on population.
Karen shares her decades of working on (over)population. The U.S. doesn’t talk about it publicly these days, but Karen shows how to talk about it. As I recognized that our overpopulation contributes to every environmental problems, I realized we had at least to talk about it. Karen does this.