512: Perhaps our most useful lesson, from of a Paralympic athlete who endured catastrophe

September 28, 2021 by Joshua
in Podcast

“Unearned suffering is redemptive,” said Martin Luther King.

In today’s episode I share what I learned today recording with Blake Haxton, a guest whose episode will appear soon. He lost two legs to flesh-eating disease in 2009.

Tragedy? Yes. Reason to give up? On the contrary, according to him, his one unlucky event in life.

I contend that his outlook on life and message that we all face setbacks, we can still live to our potential can help us learn to live sustainably than any number of windmills and solar panels.

After all, which would you prefer, to live without fossil fuels and take others into account for all you do or to lose both your legs. If you prefer to live sustainably, then his life of fun and reward says you can attain as much fun and reward living sustainably.

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