517: Michael Carlino, part 2: Faith, God, the Bible, and Values
Nearly everyone I talk to who works on conservation or would call themselves an environmentalist or something like it treats American conservatives and evangelicals as adversaries, lost causes, hurdles, or even the enemy. They love Katharine Hayhoe for being on their side while also practicing a Texas-friendly version of Christianity. They figure she’ll fix them for them. (We’re scheduling her appearing on this podcast, if you’re wondering).
What do conservatives and evangelicals believe? If you’re so right, why don’t they agree? Do you believe they’re stupid, ignorant, gullible, greedy, or what?
I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talking about them from a place of understanding. I only hear them treated as caricatures with beliefs and motivations they only see as wrong, backward, or ignorant. I never hear them describe their beliefs as reasonable or grounded in something understandable.
Frankly, I’m only starting to learn, but I don’t believe they’re stupid, ignorant, gullible, or greedy. Michael is only speaking for himself, but he’s getting an advanced degree at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, training to become a Pastor. He worked and studied hard to reach that level and has devoted his life to it. He’s knowledgeable, connected, passionate, and studied.
In this conversation we continue learning about each other. Well I can only speak for myself, that I’m learning from him. I think he’s learning from me. My views and goals tend to be subtly different than nearly anyone expects than mainstream environmental views. In this regard he may understand me better since I see values, beliefs, and behavior as the problem. Most environmental people focus on laws, technology, markets, and extrinsic things. I look at intrinsic. They look to study and recount. I look to act and inspire.
Michael and I talk about faith, hope, belief, and more.