529: Katie Redford, part 2: No distractions. Keeping oil in the ground.

November 15, 2021 by Joshua
in Podcast

I see exactly two highest priorities for material goals to restore Earth’s ability to sustain life. One is keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Down there it’s safe. Above ground, it’s poison and deadly. However clear and straightforward, almost no one focuses on this simple, effective, attainable goal.

Katie does. Our first conversation was just starting when we had to stop. We mostly talked that time about her past, groundbreaking work. In this episode we talk about her present work with pipelines in the U.S., their disproportionate effects on communities based on class, race, and more, and her work on them.

You can hear her passion in every sentence. I felt connected with someone so devoted and passionate, not waiting for others to act. This episode will rouse even the complacent among you.

(The second priotity is outside the scope of Katie and my conversation: returning global population to a level Earth can sustain through voluntary, noncoercive means such as practiced at national levels by several nations all others could emulate.)

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