537: Nate Hochman, part 1: Toward a Conservative Environmentalism
I met Nate on Citizens Climate Lobby panel on conservatives and climate, then read his National Review piece, Toward a Conservative Environmentalism, which we talk about in this conversation.
I’ve looked forward to a conversation like this for a long time: a thoughtful approach to the environment that isn’t politicized. Nate doesn’t hide his values and approach, but understands and respects alternative views.
He shares views on questions like
- How does an approach to conserving the environment look when based on limited government, free market capitalism, and honoring small communities and family?
- How have political conservatives responded to his views?
- How do those responses vary in time and by age?
- What is the future of conservatives on the environment?
- What are conservatives doing and how is their approach developing and evolving?
Most of all: Is there common ground among Americans with different political views on sustainability? If so, how can we find and build it?