554: Sea walls won’t protect us from our garbage. Stopping polluting gives us our best chance.
My notes that I read from for this episode:
- Sea wall for Manhattan, like Holland: expensive, huge, likely won’t work
- Controversial already. Natural solutions might work better.
- Let’s say they worked.
- On Staten Island, Fresh Kills
- Also everywhere, all coasts unprotected
- Now think of Cancer Alley Gulf coast, oil refineries and global toxic dumps
- All that pollution will be dispersed to seas and biosphere
- I’d guess hundreds of thousands of years
- Think of the suffering
- Challenge is more than energy. Also thermodynamics. Everything will disperse.
- Best solution: stop using fossil fuels now.
- Yes, we’ll face problems, but we’ll solve switching problems more easily than global garbage.
- Not an option: keep going as we are and maybe the problems won’t happen.