594: Etienne Stott, part 3: An insider’s, activist’s view of Extinction Rebellion

June 14, 2022 by Joshua
in Podcast

Etienne Stott is using his Olympic gold medalist status to augment his impact acting on the environment, including working with Extinction Rebellion on peaceful civil disobedience. He’s been arrested, spoken publicly, and more.

When I started acting on sustainability, I looked for organizations to work with, but found none doing the leadership that I considered essential but i couldn’t find anyone doing. I only learned enough about Extinction Rebellion to see it wasn’t doing what I thought I should. After all this time I figured I should learn more what they do, so emailed Etienne to ask if he’d describe the organization.

Before he started explaining, he asked if I was recording, so I started to. Etienne then extemporaneously but thoroughly described Extinction Rebellion at the mission, strategy, and tactical level. He isn’t just following some trend. You’ll hear he researched the organization and what it does, reflected on his values, and chose to act deliberately.

This episode describes Extinction Rebellion from a researched, thoughtful insider’s view.

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