598: Bill Benenson, part 2: Dirt! and Kiss the Ground, behind the scenes

June 23, 2022 by Joshua
in Podcast

I indulge in asking Bill about his and his wife Laurie’s passions, filmmaker friends, goals, and so on. He talks about passionate peers he’s worked with like Michael Pollan and Paul Stamets. The names Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen come up too, as two other people who appeared in his movies. He explains the value of celebrity.

He shares his storytelling techniques not to make political films or push people, despite covering fields others treat more bluntly. He and Laurie share nuance and subtlety. Also joy and appreciations.

He takes an interest in the Spodek/AIM Method so I describe it to him, not just do it. I hope everyone practices it and spreads the joy, fun, freedom, and rewarding emotions and experiences that connecting with nature does.

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