692: Daniel, host of the “What Is Politics?” videocast, part 2: Is Changing CEOs Possible
The spiciest parts of this conversation come at the end. It’s possible listeners may think we were annoying each other, but I think I can speak for both of us that we enjoyed the repartee.
Anyone who has talked to me about my work since I started watching and listening to Daniel’s What Is Politics? videocast knows it’s shaped how I view politics, meaning how groups make decisions. If we want to change culture, he covers much of the core. If we want to undo some people dominating others, it helps to know how dominance hierarchies form. The core is in anthropology, which shows how humans have related to each other going back hundreds of thousands to millions of years, and current material conditions.
We talk about creating videos versus writing books. Daniel shares a lot of backstory to his creating What Is Politics?, including his goals and greatest hurdles.
At the end things heat up as I share what I want to do, which he sees as impossible and a waste of time. Do you think he’s right? . . . or that I should keep trying? I will be the first to say I lack experience explaining myself in this area. I just haven’t had the chances, which is part of why I valued this conversation so much.