713: Matthew Matern, part 3: A trial lawyer’s view

August 19, 2023 by Joshua
in Podcast

Matt and I talk about his commitment and how it affected him. I talk about the Spodek Method in general and other leadership tools like creating role models. Matt talked about his hopes and expectations about technology.

When I asked him if he could imagine a world where no one polluted, he shared that he hadn’t thought about it, but find the idea almost beyond conception. Think about it: if someone can’t imagine an outcome, how likely do you think that person can achieve it? How likely do you think they’ll subconsciously sabotage attempts? Won’t it seem scary?

Can you imagine a world without pollution? Matt points out if we pollute, we violate Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. That means people who can’t imagine a world without pollution can’t imagine a world restoring the Golden Rule.

Listen for our conversation on this topic. Matt also talks about large changes he’s incorporated in his life, already starting to avoid flying.

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