765: Bruce Alexander, part 2: Can the Spodek Method scale from the individual to the world?

July 10, 2024 by Joshua
in Podcast

I think I can safely say Bruce and I have formed a friendship, both professional and from similar interests, even though he’s retired and I’m not a psychologist. I learn psychology to help lead. We’re both intrigued by addiction. We both want to improve our environmental situation, not just give in.

He likes the idea of the Spodek Method. He hopes it works beyond just one person. He’s not sure it can. In this episode we start practicing it.

Working with him was one of the more challenging times doing the Spodek Method. I expect that as more people learn it, these conversations with Bruce will make effective lessons in challenging cases. He wasn’t trying to challenge me. So far, it just works with some personalities more smoothly than with others. Finding examples of different types lets me learn how to apply it with different people and personality types.

Some types I haven’t figured out. Let’s see how things go with Bruce. If you’re learning the Spodek Method, I think you can learn a lot from this conversation. I’d say it’s advanced. On further thought, it might be me. Maybe other people would have an easy time. If so, let me know what I might be missing.

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