775: Bruce Alexander, part 4: The Spodek Method clicks at last

August 28, 2024 by Joshua
in Podcast

You’ve probably listened to Bruce’s past three episodes, so you probably know he wants a path to exist that leads people to want to live more sustainably and spread that change to others. It would mean them overcoming their addictions. By them, I mean all of us, since if we order takeout, fly, and drive big cars, we’re in the group that has to change.

His experience with addicts tells him it’s hard, maybe impossible. On the other hand, while people may be conflicted and may have suppressed many of our emotions around the environment, we love nature.

In this episode, we hear the Spodek Method finally clicking with Bruce. One interaction with it isn’t supposed to change the world itself. It creates a mindset shift, which one has to follow with continual improvement to change one person, then to spread, but here you can hear it clicking.

Ideas that spread, win. Emotions too. Here is a case where the emotion kicked in with someone skeptical. It’s not alone a solution, but a proof of concept. In entrepreneurial terms, the technology works.

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