786: Jan Mulder, part 2: The joy of finding and leading community

November 8, 2024 by Joshua
in Podcast

Usually when someone does their commitment with the Spodek Method, they enjoy it. Nearly always they do more than they commit to. Sometimes someone really enjoys it.

Jan went to town on his commitment. You might wonder if there’s any appeal to picking up litter. Is it worth the effort? Who cares, anyway? After all, more people litter than pick it up, as anyone can tell by how much litter there is and how much it’s growing.

Yet the pattern I’ve discovered keeps happening. On the other side of working on sustainability is always community. I can’t prove it always happens, but so far it does.

In Jan’s case, he found community, in particular, people who had long wanted to act. They were just waiting for someone to lead them. When someone did, they embraced acting.

How many people around you are waiting for someone to activate them? How much community is waiting to form? How much easier do you think it will be than you probably expect, based on Jan’s experience?

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