096: Chris Bailey: Hyperfocus, The New Science of Attention

October 19, 2018 by Justin Schenck
in Podcast

Chris Bailey shares how to focus and create intention—how to become more productive on the outside and live with more meaning and purpose on the inside by focusing on what is important to you.

Focus isn’t necessarily easy, but Chris shares from personal experience that anyone can improve theirs.

He shares to slow down and focus on less in order to make a larger impact. Modern society motivates the opposite, with marketers and advertisers learning and practicing more effective ways to attract and distract you. They tell you they want to help you achieve and enjoy more, but they distract you from what Chris lives and shares.

People judge us as leaders by our behavior. Focus affects how we perceive the world and how people perceive us. It’s essential to being effective at leadership or any performance-based activity.

Read the transcript.

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