071: Jordan Harbinger, part 1: The value of coaching
Jordan and I got to be friends over a decade ago before he moved to California. We’d get burritos around the corner from my place.
In the meantime we toured North Korea not once but twice together and I’ve seen him in Los Angeles.
This time I hosted him and his wife for my famous no-packaging vegetable stew.You get to hear from him how it tasted (spoiler alert: he says it tastes great).
He shared the importance of high-level coaching. Listening to Jordan on the Jordan Harbinger show, it’s easy to think he was born with the skills of one of today’s great interviewers. He’s humble enough to share what I think we all need reminding of—that help from people with more skills and experience helps.
In other words, he got coaching and a lot of it. He also mentions practice and preparing more than necessary.
Speaking of his practice and results in his life, listen to my take of his skills in action in my blog post on an interview with him and his wife, Jordan Harbinger and how rehearsal improves spontaneity and authenticity.
He and his wife consider themselves environmentally aware and conscious, but, as with nearly everyone, he shares that he may waste water showering and shaving. He doesn’t know the answer, which he incorporates into his challenge.
He openly shares what he doesn’t know and potential flaws—what most of us hide. Any wonder why he emerged as a leader among leaders?
Noticing these subtle things and making ourselves conscious of what we normally suppress tells us what to focus on to improve by our standards.