Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism

November 2, 2017 by Joshua
in Inc.com

My post Tuesday on Inc.com, “Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism,” began

Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism

Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism

Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism

Why define something valuable by the opposite of its values?

Minimalism as a lifestyle seems popular.

The name backward, though, which confuses people and makes it less accessble. It’s a lifestyle about maximizing, not minimizing.

I may be too late because maximalism appears taken by a movement unrelated to what I describe below, but I suggest changing the name.

First, what is minimalism?

Read the rest at Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism.

Regular readers will recognize the post is similar to one I wrote in July. I thought it deserved sharing on a bigger stage.

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