Search Results for: kabat-zinn

About Joshua Spodek: Where to find more

on April 3, 2011 in Blog

This post continues my About page. Where to find more The best place to find more, besides contacting me, is one of my seminars or classes. If I haven’t posted about an upcoming one recently, check with me for something coming up. Here are some sources that have been influential or inspirational to me (just names of people and books now, I’ll put in links soon). Business Marshall Goldsmith –[…] Keep reading →

Questions and answers about seminar

on March 21, 2011 in Blog

I’ve been getting a few questions on the talk, so I thought I’d post the answers here for all. Question: Which session should I go to? / Can I just go to one? Answer: The seminar is one unit over two days. It’s two days because it covers the essentials of a semester long class. And it’s cumulative. The breakdown is more theory the first day and more implementation the[…] Keep reading →

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