Search Results for: population

237: Leadership versus Management, Systems and the Environment

on October 26, 2019 in Podcast

The notes I wrote and read from for this episode: Leadership means changing beliefs and goals. If you’re doing anything else, you’re following and perpetuating the system that created the results. Greater efficiency, recycling, reusing, etc are following, just accelerating, unless you change the goals. Are you clearly and overwhelmingly opposing growth and externalizing costs? If not, you’re polluting. My most important goal is not efficiency. It will come if[…] Keep reading →

237: Leadership versus Management, Systems and the Environment

on October 26, 2019 in Podcast

The notes I wrote and read from for this episode: Leadership means changing beliefs and goals. If you’re doing anything else, you’re following and perpetuating the system that created the results. Greater efficiency, recycling, reusing, etc are following, just accelerating, unless you change the goals. Are you clearly and overwhelmingly opposing growth and externalizing costs? If not, you’re polluting. My most important goal is not efficiency. It will come if[…] Keep reading →

236: My environmental role models

on October 22, 2019 in Podcast

Here is the text I read from for this post: My environmental role models Why my role models? Because people keep saying what I do is inaccessible. That it’s too much or extreme. That they need to balance. Well everyone believes they’re balanced. I have to balance too. My difference is that I keep moving toward my values. Instead of letting Americans, the most polluting people in history, be my[…] Keep reading →

236: My environmental role models

on October 22, 2019 in Podcast

Here is the text I read from for this post, but I would just listen to the recording. My environmental role models Why my role models? Because people keep saying what I do is inaccessible. That it’s too much or extreme. That they need to balance. Well everyone believes they’re balanced. I have to balance too. My difference is that I keep moving toward my values. Instead of letting Americans,[…] Keep reading →

234: A shift, not a crisis

on October 19, 2019 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from to make this episode, sometimes diverging from them. Why I don’t call our environmental situation a crisis. People think scientists will solve something or engineers will create a solution and we can go back to before. We will never return to this lifestyle, which, by the way, is a tremendous advance if you value happiness, stewardship, enjoying what you have, and compassion over[…] Keep reading →

234: A shift, not a crisis

on October 19, 2019 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from to make this episode, sometimes diverging from them. Why I don’t call our environmental situation a crisis. People think scientists will solve something or engineers will create a solution and we can go back to before. We will never return to this lifestyle, which, by the way, is a tremendous advance if you value happiness, stewardship, enjoying what you have, and compassion over[…] Keep reading →

227: Economists don’t know what they’re talking about on growth

on October 9, 2019 in Podcast

A few words on growth and how people misunderstand it, especially economists. I start by talking about my window garden cherry tomato plants and how the inability of the insects eating them to regulate their growth and up destroying the plants and thereby their own population. Can we outdo bugs? I’m not sure. An educated friend showed surprise to me that his having four or five kids is one of[…] Keep reading →

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