Search Results for: project based learning

166: Anand Giridharadas: Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World (transcript)

on April 11, 2019 in Podcast

With some guests I have a hard time finding a court to start the episode with. With Anand I had the opposite problem. At least half of what he said wild me and could have been the opening statement. I saw him speak and the title of his book Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World I didn’t think that someone there could really challenge a community[…] Keep reading →

162: Bob Langert: McDonald’s former head of Corporate Social Responsibility (transcript)

on April 1, 2019 in Podcast

Let’s start with some personal context. I last ate meat in 1990 which would have been about the last time that I spent any money in McDonald’s. I avoid packaged food. I avoid food with fiber removed for something like four years in counting. I pick up a piece of trash per day and McDonald’s is up there a little behind Coca-Cola and Starbucks as the greatest sources of that[…] Keep reading →

159: Chris Schembra: Expressing Gratitude (transcript)

on March 20, 2019 in Podcast

Do you feel gratitude toward people who have helped you? Do you express that gratitude more than enough, not enough or about right? You’re probably familiar with research that expressing gratitude and feeling it improve people’s lives measurably. I love my exercise of writing ten gratitude messages a day for a week. I’ll link to the Inc. article piece that I wrote on it. It was challenging but worth it[…] Keep reading →

158: Dee Caffari, part 1: Turning the Tide on Plastic (transcript)

on March 19, 2019 in Podcast

Those who know that I’m flying might also know that I’m learning to sail to explore off North America. Most people when they think about not flying focus on what they miss. Well, they focus on the part that they miss that they like. They don’t seem to have trouble ignoring the pollution the flying causes. But that’s a separate thing. Sailing and other things that I replace flying with[…] Keep reading →

155: Margot Machol Bisnow, part 1: Raising an Entrepreneur (transcript)

on March 15, 2019 in Podcast

A few months ago I attended an event called The Summit in Los Angeles. You may have heard of it. It’s up there with TED Talks, Burning Man, Davos. Things like that. It was expensive. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be worth it. I also took the train out there which was a long time. I wasn’t sure if I would get the value out of it[…] Keep reading →

153: Sean O’Connor, part 1: From paper cups to evaluating life (transcript)

on March 12, 2019 in Podcast

My strategy for this podcast is largely based on my learning from Sandy Reisky in Episode 28 that community influences people behavior more than facts and that’s the strategy that most other people are doing. I’m not going to stop people from spreading facts and legislation and things like that. These things are important and I support them but I’m doing something different and I believe essential and effective. I’m[…] Keep reading →

150: Tom Murphy, part 1: Do the Math, the language of nature (transcript)

on March 8, 2019 in Podcast

Everybody thinks about the environment. Nearly everyone also gets bogged down in questions. Will this or that change make a difference? What does all the science mean? One of the great things about science is that there are answers to all these questions. Science is a study of nature. People associate it with going to the Moon or people in lab coats. But it’s about nature, sunsets, gravity, why is[…] Keep reading →

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