Common questions about visiting North Korea, part 1

on October 24, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

People ask me a lot of the same questions about visiting North Korea. Maybe if I answer them here I can save us all time and point them here. Well, people tend to ask me at parties and social events, so I know that solution won’t work, but here are answers to common questions anyway. How hard is it to get to North Korea? Going to North Korea is easy.[…] Keep reading →

Food in North Korea

on October 23, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

People like to talk about food in places they travel. Naturally they ask about food in North Korea. At the beginning I liked it, but by the end a couple things get to you. First, as a tourist you get a lot of similar things over again. Second, at least when we visited in August, besides some slices of apple with breakfast, we had no fresh fruits or vegetables. Most[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part 6: the Demilitarized Zone

on October 22, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… More pictures. Click on them for larger views. The Wikipedia page on the DMZ gives some background. The picture of Neil and Ingrid pushing the limits to play Skittykitts. You can see Neil starting to sweat because a North Korean, probably an armed soldier, is telling him to get up or else. More about Skittykitts here. What is Skittykitts? As Neil put it,[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part 5: approaching the DMZ

on October 21, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… More pictures. Click on them for larger views. I copied most of my blurbs from when I posted these pictures on a social network site a month ago. Sorry about any repetition between what I wrote then for these pictures and what I wrote recently for other pictures. The Wikipedia page on the DMZ gives good background. Links don’t seem to show up[…] Keep reading →

Joshua Spodek on Official North Korean Television!

on October 20, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

The video below shows the celebrations of Youth Day 2011, the day my group played in the first Ultimate Frisbee tournament (not in the video) and attended a Mass Dance (in the video). A Mass Dance is different than the spectacular Arirang Mass Games — a huge choreographed performance of about 100,000 people. A Mass Dance seems to be a public folk dance in a public square. Our bus brought[…] Keep reading →

North Korea themes, part III

on October 19, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

More themes to expect from this blog on North Korea… Leadership, control, and how you are led and controlled You can’t miss some of the North Korean government’s more blatant methods to control its population — the propaganda, unique versions of history, controlling the flow of people and information across its borders, and regulating trade, for example. Some you can’t see as a tourist but the press outside North Korea[…] Keep reading →

North Korea themes, part II

on October 18, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

More themes to expect from this blog on North Korea… Seeing their lack of freedom leads you to value yours more — and that you have to maintain it Compare your freedom to a North Korean’s. Does your greater freedom bring you reward and happiness? If you consider freedom essential to happiness and you aren’t much happier than most North Koreans what are you doing wrong? What are you misunderstanding?[…] Keep reading →

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