North Korea themes, part I

on October 17, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Only having written a few posts, I’ve already hit some of the major themes that visiting North Korea raised in me. I’ll touch on them here to clarify them since I expect they’ll continue to show up in future posts. Seeing others reveals things about yourself and your culture — and the more different they are, the deeper they reveal about you and your world. We take many parts of[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part 4: the Arch of Reunification

on October 16, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… More pictures. Click on them for larger views. Approaching our first bona-fide tourist site, the Arch of Reunification. North Korea claims as one of its greatest goals and sources of victimhood is the division of the two Koreas. I don’t sense from South Koreans a great desire to reunify, but I don’t claim any deep insight or knowledge of either culture. Approaching the[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part 3: first views of Pyongyang

on October 15, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… More pictures. Click on them for larger views. Our first morning driving out from the hotel. We experienced driving in North Korea for the first time the night before, coming in from the airport. We landed in the early evening, but night had fallen by the time we reached the city. With almost no streetlights the city was dark. People kept narrowly getting[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part 2: preparing for our first adventure

on October 14, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… More pictures. Click on them for larger views. Today’s pictures are more about our group than North Korea, per se, but they do feature some of the first North Koreans ever throwing frisbees (actually Discrafts, for those who know the difference). The morning after we arrived, waiting to get in the buses to go south to the Demilitarized Zone. We’ve all met enough[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part I: starting at the hotel

on October 13, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… Now let’s see some pictures. Click on them for larger views. The view from our hotel window. The sky was bluer than this picture shows, contrasting with the overcast and polluted skies of Beijing and Shanghai, the other two places I visited on this trip. Nearly all the pictures I’ve seen online of Pyongyang include something about our hotel. It seems all visitors[…] Keep reading →

Flying through Shanghai

on October 12, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Last summer at a Brooklyn art gallery a friend curated featuring a cityscape-like artwork, I took a camera and moved it around through the cityscape to make short movies that looked like you were flying through a city. They looked great. Unfortunately I did it with the camera of another friend, who deleted the movies. Now when I see a cityscape I like to make fly-through movies of it. Shanghai’s[…] Keep reading →

Basic observations of North Korea

on October 12, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… Here are some basic observations I saw in North Korea without embellishment or analysis. When I looked out my hotel room the first night we arrived to see about half the city, because of their dearth of electrical power I could count the number of cars driving: two. Buildings outside Pyongyang were bunker-like concrete slabs, many unfinished. Many people appeared to live in[…] Keep reading →

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