Expectations of North Korea

on October 11, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… One of this trip’s major themes was the difference between expectations and experiences; also recognizing that expectations — Americans have wild expectations of North Korea — say things about yourself, not them. Experiences say something about the interaction between others and yourself. Americans, myself included, know little about North Korea and North Koreans. Our expectations tell us about what gets past the filters[…] Keep reading →

The Ethics of Visiting North Korea

on October 9, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… If you read this blog regularly you know I don’t find value in people telling others what they should consider right or wrong, which ethics discussions usually do. I try to avoid using judgmental or evaluative language except when the criteria for evaluating are clear. Talk about visiting North Korea and you’ll find people want to talk about the rightness or wrongness of[…] Keep reading →

What’s touring North Korea like?

on October 8, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… The next most common question after how to get to North Korea and its legality is what it’s like. This blog will cover the experience in depth. For now some overall conditions of touring North Korea. Later posts will cover the sites and experiences. This post covers the basics of how the tour goes. Limited choice The North Korean government gives you a[…] Keep reading →

How to get to North Korea and if you can legally

on October 7, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… Mention you went to North Korea and you’ll hear two questions more than any others: How do you get there and is it legal? With proper paperwork Americans can legally tour North Korea, according to the State Department, but it warns you you’re taking serious risks, you just have no legal recourse from the U.S. government because the two countries have no diplomatic[…] Keep reading →

North Korea!

on October 6, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

The trip of a lifetime began with this message on my birthday from my friend Jordan Hey happy birthday man! All the best! What do you have planned for this year? p.s. I’m going to North Korea in August -get jealous! 🙂 North Korea?!? That came out of the blue. I had never considered going before. Could I travel there legally? Safely? I didn’t even know what questions to ask.[…] Keep reading →

Audio interview: how travel improves your life — even without traveling

on October 3, 2011 in Audio, Blog, Freedom, Tips

Why do you travel? How does traveling improve your life? If you do, you probably have many reasons — experiencing new cultures, food, languages, natural beauty, etc. In this interview, I share some of my life lessons from international travel, probably with some new perspectives. I also talk about how I get the value of traveling without traveling, saving time, money, and other resources, finding greater richness in daily life[…] Keep reading →

Culture shock

on July 13, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness

People misunderstand culture shock. They talk about it happening when they go to a new place, but that’s not when you really get culture shock. When you go to a new place you expect things to be different so differences don’t shock you that much. You get culture shock when you return after having been away and having adoped foreign standards without realizing it. Then what used to be normal[…] Keep reading →

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