

The ability to use willpower helps you more than you think. Much more.

Research has found willpower more important for academic success than IQ, that it improves social competence and assertiveness, and that children who were able to put up with temporary discomfort in exchange for a future reward are now more successful in almost every measurable way. Few skills offer such potential.

Most of us think about willpower helping us avoid eating too much chocolate cake, go to the gym, quit smoking, and the like. It helps with such things, but it helps a lot more than that.

This seminar covers willpower from many angles, with examples.


  • What willpower is
  • How to use it
  • When to use it
  • When not to use it

Typical audience



2-5 hours, depending on level of detail desired

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2 responses on “Willpower

  1. Pingback: Understanding leadership, values, meaning, purpose, importance, passion — Interlude on writing on emotions and emotional awareness so much | Joshua Spodek

  2. Pingback: An exercise in doing what you have to, even when you don’t want to | Joshua Spodek

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Past events

See Coco && Breezy at NYU Monday!

Monday, March 31, 6:30pm-9pm

The Entrepreneurship Special Interest Housing Floor invite entrepreneurs and fashion-minded alike to attend an evening with

Coco && Breezy

Corianna and Brianna, also known as Coco and Breezy, are the founders of a cutting-edge sunglass and fashion brand based in New York City that aims to reach new fashion heights and introduce fashion connoisseurs all over the world to their unique sense of style and original accessories. Coco and Breezy designed the brand based on their own passion for creating eyewear with an artistic direction but meeting the high quality standards.

Seen on style icons such as Rhianna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Kelly Osbourne, Ciara, Selita Ebanks, Theophilus London, Serena Williams and more, Coco and Breezy have been featured in numerous publications such as Teen Vogue, WWD, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Nylon, New York Magazine, InStyle, Paper, Essence, GQ, Timeout, Grazia, Biba, Idol, Dazed, ID, and more.

Inspiring, engaging, and fun speakers, Coco and Breezy will speak on the challenges and rewards of founding a successful company in New York City in their teens, followed by question and answers.

Entrepreneurship VS Leadership: Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned

Thursday, March 27, 2014 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm

NYU Entrepreneurs Network & NYU Leadership Development Initiative


Entrepreneurship VS Leadership
Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned

We often talk about leadership and entrepreneurship as if they were the same thing. Have you wondered what is the relationship between these two fields? How transferable are the skills and capacities that might be required for each? What role does entrepreneurship play in leadership and vice versa?

Join us for an exciting panel discussion as we explore what these two fields mean, how they are different and where we can learn from each. Light food and beverages will be served.

How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again

Saturday, March 15, 10am - 4:30pm

My one-day seminar “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again” uses exercises, discussion, and lecture to teach how to lead people so they thank you for leading them and want you to lead them again. It follows up and complements my two-day seminar “Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness.”

As one attendee said: “I signed up for Josh’s leadership seminar not really knowing what to expect. I walked away with a clear, understandable framework not only for providing effective leadership, but for creating lasting and meaningful relationships with colleagues and teammates. Josh’s method of emotional connection gets to the core of the needs we all share as human beings. His techniques can help anyone become a better leader – and a more fulfilled person overall.”

See “The Business of Movies with Director Corydon Wagner, winner Golden Lion Cannes 2012” February 27, 6-8pm

Thursday, February 27, 2014 6-8pm

I will be presenting Golden Lion Cannes Award-winning Director Corydon Wagner February 27, 6-8pm. As a successful entrepreneur who leads projects with billions of dollars at play, he will present what business leaders can learn from directing and producing film. Read more and sign up here.

How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again

January 18, 2014 10am-4pm

My new one-day seminar “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again” uses exercises, discussion, and lecture to teach how to lead people so they thank you for leading them and want you to lead them again. It follows up and complements my two-day seminar “Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness.” Attendees of the first seminar will find value in the new seminar. It also stands on its own for first-timers.

The Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York is hosting it. Click here for more information.

An Introduction to Negotiation by and for Scientists

November 5, 2013; 6pm-9pm

At the New York Academy of Sciences as part of its From Scientist to CSO series

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