My 12-minute conversation with record-holding podcaster Engel Jones

May 16, 2017 by Joshua
in Audio, Education, Stories

Engel Jones holds the record for most podcasts, I believe. Our podcast was the most mellow I’ve been on. We spoke about

  • Education
  • Memories
  • Earliest memories
  • Music, and
  • More.

Plus, all his podcasts are about 12 minutes, so convenient for listening. Mine was 16 minutes.

He posted mine today—his 1,128th. I recommend listening to mine and more.

Listen to the conversation!

Engel Jones Joshua Spodek

12 minute conversations with Engel Jones: The Joshua Spodek interview

Listen to the conversation!

About Engel:

Engel Jones was born and raised in the twin island of Trinidad and Tobago and he loves great conversation. He is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach and the podcast host of the Twelve Minute Convo. His passion is to help you find Y.O.U.R.S – Your Own Unique Real Self.

After having 1001 conversations in 3 months he uncovered Y.O.U.R.S, a tool used to reconnect you to the hidden passion and purpose which is essential to creating a brand of Y.O.U.R.S.

Engel believes and lives the principle of Zig Ziglar where you can have everything in life if you help enough other people get what they want.

12 minute conversations with Engel Jones

12 minute conversations with Engel Jones: The Joshua Spodek interview

Here are his podcast notes:

Joshua Spodek is an Adjunct Professor at NYU, leadership coach and workshop leader for Columbia Business School, columnist for Inc., founder of Spodek Academy, and author of Leadership Step by Step (launching February 2017).

He has led seminars in leadership, entrepreneurship, creativity, and sales at Harvard, Princeton, MIT, INSEAD (Singapore), the New York Academy of Science, and in private corporations. He holds five Ivy League degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics and an MBA, and studied under a Nobel Prize winner. He helped build an X-ray observational satellite for NASA, co-founded and led as CEO or COO several ventures, and holds six patents.

He earned praise as “Best and Brightest” (Esquire Magazine’s Genius Issue), “Astrophysicist turned new media whiz” (NBC), and “Rocket Scientist” (ABC News and Forbes) and has been quoted and profiled by ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He has visited North Korea twice, swam across the Hudson River, and has done burpees every day for six years and counting. He lives in Greenwich Village and blogs daily at

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