2020 in 9 words: “Everybody wants to be heard and nobody is listening.”

July 23, 2020 by Joshua
in Awareness

The title says it all. The words came out in conversation the other day. As I said them, they seemed remarkably accurate and poignant. I searched on the words and found no results.

Everybody wants to be heard and nobody is listening.

People are saying, “we’re all in this together,” “how are you holding up,” “stay safe,” and other repetitive phrases, but to my mind, this phrase captures this moment.

Maybe you see otherwise, but from reactions to the virus to George Floyd to the elections to Black Lives Matter to you name it, everyone seems to want to say something they consider important—often the final word on the matter, at least in their opinion—but no one seems to want to make others feel heard or understood.


Everybody wants to be heard and nobody is listening.

We can naturally counter the situation by listening to make others feel understood. I think if we made enough of a point of it, people wouldn’t feel so motivated to talk so much.

It reminds me of a book title I liked.

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