456: Jonathan Hardesty, part 2: How to Start a Sustainability Podcast

May 6, 2021 by Joshua
in Podcast

This episode is really two.

Remember that he started art late in life, so the first two-thirds talks about art. Also his experience with his kids and family picking up trash. You’ll enjoy hearing his and his family’s joy doing it. I imagine you’ll also feel sober about his unpleasant surprise at how much trash there was to pick up.

I hope you’ll feel inspired to pick up trash too. I think you’ll find yourself surprised at how much more trash you’ll find when you pick it up than you expect from just looking.

The second part, I walk him through how to lead someone in my technique for this podcast. He’s considering starting a branch in the This Sustainable Life family, specifically to reach evangelicals, especially in Texas, a group I’m enthusiastic to connect with. Most environmentalists approach them judgmentally and critically, which prompts division.

As you’ll hear, Jonathan and I expect to connect with them so they enjoy acting.

If you’re interested in starting a branch of This Sustainable Life, this episode shows you how. If you want to meet the top people in any areas you want to become a leader in, email me after listening to this episode. I want to start you off.

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