Proposal for a New Holidays: “Fall Unplug the Fridge Day” and “Spring Plug-in Day”
A guest who listens to the podcast and lives in Norway mentioned while we recorded that he was renovating his kitchen, which meant his family had to go without a fridge for ten days. He said knowing about me not using my fridge for over a year gave him perspective to handle the situation easily.
He also remarked on how it was cold outside and it didn’t make sense to cool a fridge surrounded by a warm home when it was cold outside the home. He was starting to get used to storing food outdoors and not need a fridge.
People who live in cold climates don’t need refrigerators during the times of year it’s cold outside. They can keep things on the windowsill or other cool place. People used to keep their food cold this way for all of human history until the fridge.
I thought of the how Swedish people have started looking down on people who fly and how non-fliers pledge publicly to keep their habits going. Sweden is far enough north that most of late fall, winter, and early spring the weather outdoors is probably cool enough to function as a fridge.
I propose places with seasons that stay cool enough switch to using outside air for refrigeration when they can.
New Holiday
I propose a new holiday in the fall for any region whose air stays cool enough long enough to use as a fridge. That holiday is the national day when people unplug their fridge for the winter. There would be another holiday in the spring to pluck back in.
This way, a whole nation can reduce its pollution effortlessly. My experience tells me they’ll find it easier and will lead to fresher food. People can create iceboxes, window boxes, and the like to take advantage of the ambient temperatures.
When the weather warms up, they can hold another holiday to plug the fridge back in.
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