Another book milestone: Finished substantive edits.
Last night I finished what I expect to be my last substantive edits for the book. Barring a big error or discovery, future edits will be only within paragraphs, not moving them around.
I’ve made it my primary focus for several months and a priority for years. This step is a big accomplishment.
After hitting send to send it to my editor and publisher, I sat back in my seat and suddenly felt like I had just finished a marathon. I hadn’t realized how much energy editing was taking. It was also close to 9pm, I hadn’t eaten dinner yet, and had my evening calisthenics. Oh, it was also a lifting day and my first returning to my usual weights since my four-day water-only fast, plus I climbed to the roof twice. Any one of those things could have exhausted me.
I thought going to sleep last night would be very relaxing, my mind freed from thinking of all that editing. Instead, it was liberated to think of all the next steps. They include: copy editing, line editing, book design (cover and interior), writing the companion How-To guide for the Spodek Method, creating the online version of it, and redoing this website seem the next steps. Then planning the launch and amplifying the message in the media, podcasts, and word of mouth.
Thinking about all those things occupied my mind and kept me from sleeping, but they weren’t annoying thoughts. They were curious, unleashed. I can’t wait to get to those things, but have to wait to hear back from my editor and publisher.
Stay tuned. Lots to come.

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