101: Seth Godin: Work that matters for people who care (transcript)

on November 15, 2018 in Podcast

Welcome to the Leadership and the Environment conversation with Seth Godin. First, I’m posting this conversation today because Seth just launched his book This is Marketing. We recorded this conversation months ago. So you get to hear previews of his book. We talked a lot about marketing, leadership and environment which are all very closely related. I got to see a new side of Seth’s interview partly because I was[…] Keep reading →

100: Michael O’Heaney: Story of Stuff (transcript)

on November 6, 2018 in Podcast

Michael is the executive director of one of the most inspirational organizations I can think of. I urge you to watch their videos – The Story of Stuff, The Story of Bottled Water, The Story of Solutions. There’s a whole series of them. They’re fun to watch, they’re quick to watch and they make a difference, at least to me. It’s refreshing for me to talk to someone who does[…] Keep reading →

099: Jethro Jones: No Excuse Stewardship (transcript)

on October 26, 2018 in Podcast

Jethro Jones contacted me to make a challenge that he wanted to do public and that part of this challenge and conversation gets very personal. We started talking about education. He’s a principal. The past few years have transformed my understanding of education and how critical it is for culture, society and democracy. It is not just something that happens in schools. For this podcast we’ll also talk about how[…] Keep reading →

098: Would You Free Your Slaves? (transcript)

on October 24, 2018 in Podcast

I’m going to get to the heart of this conversation in a second but first I have to do this preface. The point of this conversation is about your values and how you live by them. Everyone I talk to they get it after a couple of objections and they find it thought-provoking, very thought-provoking. But they first have to get past that I’m asking you to compare your behavior[…] Keep reading →

097: Sir Tim Smit: Changing the World with No Special Skills (transcript)

on October 23, 2018 in Podcast

I met Tim at least a year ago and I loved what he did and how much he loved what he did which was to turn a trashed wasteland into beautiful living space, also, a tourist destination throughout Europe, also a thriving business and now spreading around the world to become the same things in other places where industries have trashed the landscape. As a leadership and entrepreneurship teacher, it’s[…] Keep reading →

096: Chris Bailey: Hyperfocus, The New Science of Attention (transcript)

on October 19, 2018 in Podcast

Chris does things. He does incredible things and I urge you to check out his web page and read some of the things that he does. I allude to it in the conversation but check it out for yourself. But he’s still humble and simple despite doing these incredible things. So if the part of the reason you’re here is you like my burpees or my avoiding food packaging or[…] Keep reading →

095: How Would-be Leaders Are Moving Us Backward (transcript)

on October 10, 2018 in Podcast

I want to differentiate between telling people facts and what to do or what they should do, on the one side, and leading them, on the other side. I see a lot of people telling others what to do, not a lot of people leading. Martin Luther King led people to choose and want to go to jail to create freedom. That’s leadership. He had no authority over them. He[…] Keep reading →

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