094: Where Reason Fails and Leadership Works (transcript)

on October 9, 2018 in Podcast

I just read about someone describing the ultimatum game as showing people are irrational. The ultimatum game is used in classrooms and by psychologists. The teacher pairs people up, gives one person ten dollars or something like that and says, “You can keep as much as you want but give the rest to the other.” But if the other vetoes, all the money comes back to the teacher. So you[…] Keep reading →

093: Want to win elections? Clean your neighborhood. Be a steward. (transcript)

on October 8, 2018 in Podcast

I care about the environment and I act on it. I’m going to talk to you today about how do we elect people including the United States president who act on and steward the environment. I’m going to present a plan that I believe can win the next election that transcends the usual divisions that led to today’s political situation, political misery, feelings of futility and the filth that we[…] Keep reading →

092: Paternalism and pride: why fly to Africa to eek out minor efficiencies when we waste hundreds times more? (transcript)

on October 6, 2018 in Podcast

I have a letter from the president of NYU where I teach congratulating students on flying to third world countries – Africa, Central America, Asia, and helping people build schools, helping them work on projects there to make their lives better over there. I put to you that students at elite American universities are terrible at building things. NYU is building lots of buildings for itself here, right here in[…] Keep reading →

091: What Works That We Can Build On (transcript)

on September 27, 2018 in Podcast

Whether you believe in global warming or not there is a lot of big environmental messes out there. There’s going to be more plastic in the ocean than fish, people project, within our lifetimes. When you think of how many fish there are and how big the oceans or when you think of how much plastic it would take to have more of that. I don’t know if that’s a[…] Keep reading →

090: Obesity and the Environment (transcript)

on September 25, 2018 in Podcast

  Today I want to cover a topic that I thought everybody saw and everybody knew about. But the more that I talk about it to people in person, the more that I find people say two things. One is that they never thought of it which is surprising to me. But the other thing that they say is that I should share it because they find it insightful. So[…] Keep reading →

089: Evelina Utterdahl, part 1: Traveling the world without flying (transcript)

on September 24, 2018 in Podcast

If you’ve heard me talk about not flying in this podcast a lot and you think it’s impossible, allow this conversation to blow your mind. Evelina Utterdahl is a world traveler and writer who has chosen to stop flying. You’ll hear why. There are more of us all the time. You’ll get to hear us indulging and talking to someone who understands us. Nearly everyone I talked to says flying[…] Keep reading →

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