158: Dee Caffari, part 1: Turning the Tide on Plastic (transcript)

on March 19, 2019 in Podcast

Those who know that I’m flying might also know that I’m learning to sail to explore off North America. Most people when they think about not flying focus on what they miss. Well, they focus on the part that they miss that they like. They don’t seem to have trouble ignoring the pollution the flying causes. But that’s a separate thing. Sailing and other things that I replace flying with[…] Keep reading →

157: Tom Szaky, part 1: TerraCycle’s new initiative: Loop (transcript)

on March 19, 2019 in Podcast

Tom Szaky has been working on waste since his undergrad days at Princeton in 2002. Then I suddenly heard about him from many sources in the past few months never having heard about him before. His company TerraCycle recycles waste that others don’t but his new company Loop got attention at Davos recently and support from many companies whose business plans depend on producing waste within an economic model that[…] Keep reading →

156: Pale Blue Dot Today (transcript)

on March 16, 2019 in Podcast

If you’ve never heard Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot, it’s something to hear. It’s a spoken essay. It’s four and a half minutes long. I’m about to play it. I recommend that even if you listen to podcasts at faster speeds to put it back to regular speed because it’s really touching. I still get chills up and down my spine. I get choked up sometimes just listening to it[…] Keep reading →

154: Why You, Famous Person, Will Like Being a Guest on this Podcast (transcript)

on March 13, 2019 in Podcast

Today I want to talk about the value being a guest on my podcast offers to influential well-known people. I call Oprah and her peers single-named people because everyone knows them by one name. So LeBron, Serena, Sergey, Larry, Barrack, Beyoncé, Jay-Z. I also mean anyone influential or with a big audience. People in politics, accomplished actors, journalists, singers, artists and the like, bestselling writers, public speakers, winning athletes and[…] Keep reading →

153: Sean O’Connor, part 1: From paper cups to evaluating life (transcript)

on March 12, 2019 in Podcast

My strategy for this podcast is largely based on my learning from Sandy Reisky in Episode 28 that community influences people behavior more than facts and that’s the strategy that most other people are doing. I’m not going to stop people from spreading facts and legislation and things like that. These things are important and I support them but I’m doing something different and I believe essential and effective. I’m[…] Keep reading →

152: Peter Gray, part 1: Free to Learn (transcript)

on March 11, 2019 in Podcast

Being coerced to do something you don’t want to do under threat of punishment is an experience that nobody likes. Nor do people like being told that they’re wrong or ignorant by someone telling them that they know better yet it happens all the time. Our politics and public dialogue that is our leadership is about coercion, it’s about self-righteousness, it’s about hitting people over the head with facts. And[…] Keep reading →

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