122: Rosa Parks and Acting on Your Environmental Values (transcript)

on January 21, 2019 in Podcast

For those who don’t know one of the origins of this podcast was a series of talks that I gave at NYU. I gave the talks because at the time I recognized that something missing from environmental action was what I would think of as effective leadership, not telling other people what to do or spreading facts and figures of doom and gloom but leadership in the style of Mandela,[…] Keep reading →

121: Minimalism should be called Maximalism (transcript)

on January 19, 2019 in Podcast

It happens a lot that people walk into my apartment, see how little stuff I have and a they call me minimalist or they call my lifestyle minimalist. Minimalism is misnamed. I don’t like being labeled but a lot of people do and I think people should see the misnomer. It relates to the environment because reduces the first word on the list of reduce, reuse, recycle that Americans tend[…] Keep reading →

117: Jeffrey Madoff: Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas (transcript)

on January 19, 2019 in Podcast

Jeff Madoff is a friend of mine. He teaches a class in living a creative life at Parsons right around the corner from me in New York City. I’ve sat in on his classes for years. I don’t need more formal education. I have plenty of that. Listen to the guests that he’s interviewed – Ralph Lauren, Halston, Brooke Astor, Liza Minnelli, Donna Karan, Martha Graham, Tom Brokaw, Tony Bennett,[…] Keep reading →

120: Rules for plogging in New York City (transcript)

on January 17, 2019 in Podcast

If you haven’t started plogging, I recommend it. What’s plogging? It’s a Swedish term created for picking up garbage while you run so it’s running, most people carry a bag with them, and they pick up garbage as they go leaving the world cleaner for their running or for their plogging. So I picked up at least one piece of trash per day for a few years and I still[…] Keep reading →

119: Heroin and the Environment (transcript)

on January 16, 2019 in Podcast

I have a friend whose business is to find people on heroin and other opiates and bring them into treatment. He goes to hotels where they live or whatever they do. And it’s based on government money because apparently his interventions work. He tells me that when he goes to visit these hotels where they live it’s squalor, filth. There’s blood and urine and feces. These rooms are really dark[…] Keep reading →

118: Beth Comstock 2: Action creates awareness (transcript)

on January 12, 2019 in Podcast

I’ve posted a few rather sort of monologues lately about how in a world where environmental issues are front page news on a weekly basis or more and everyone sees the pollution around them and that they create the goal of awareness often delays action. Action creates awareness much more than awareness creates action. In today’s world where everyone’s hit over the head with awareness on environmental issues claiming to[…] Keep reading →

116: Michael O’Heaney, part 2: Less plastic, less stuff, more fun, more family (transcript)

on January 9, 2019 in Podcast

First, if you have not watched the Story of Stuff or any of the Story of Stuff videos as much as I love my podcast, watch those videos from the organization that Michael O’Heaney leads. They’re phenomenal videos in my opinion and the links are right where you got this podcast. Next one what Michael O’Heaney does it’s ordinary, it’s simple – riding a bike. It’s something he could have[…] Keep reading →

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