115: Sandy Reisky, part 2: A Superbowl Ad to reduce consumption (transcript)

on January 8, 2019 in Podcast

Sandy’s first conversation got a lot of extra lessons because, drum roll please, Leonardo Di Caprio’s foundation tweeted about it. So we’re getting a lot more attention, especially Sandy. Please watch the video if you haven’t watch it from the first one of The New Face of Clean Energy that Sandy and his non-profit made. And we talk about the origin of the video. It’s a new way of looking[…] Keep reading →

114: Dave Asprey: Leading with love (transcript)

on January 7, 2019 in Podcast

If you’re like me, you’ve heard of Bulletproof Coffee. I don’t drink coffee so I didn’t really think much of it. Not drinking coffee since I’ve heard about it so much. Actually, I hear a lot about people losing weight with it. People say they have lots of energy with it. Still I figured it must be some guy who’s really good at internet marketing behind it. I’d heard Dave[…] Keep reading →

113: Ann-Marie Heidingsfelder: A conservative voice (transcript)

on January 5, 2019 in Podcast

I love how I met Ann-Marie and we have become great long-distance friends. You’ll hear the story in the beginning of the podcast. I specifically sought her out as someone with different political views. Actually, one very good friend of mine as an aside is what anyone would call a climate sceptic. Yet he knows climate issues better than nearly anyone that I know and I’ve learned a lot from[…] Keep reading →

112: Bethany McLean, part 1: the Business and People of Fracking (transcript)

on January 1, 2019 in Podcast

Bethany made her name as the first journalist to predict Enron was overpriced which meant going deep into the people and the numbers and understanding them and then facing overwhelming criticism. Well, turns out she was right but it must have been very tough. Now she’s looking at fracking. She looks at the people and the numbers and she makes sense of them here. And she wrote a short colorful[…] Keep reading →

111: Marion Nestle: Changing the food system (transcript)

on December 27, 2018 in Podcast

Marion Nestle is a longtime hero for me. Food is one of the major pieces that got me into my environmental work. Reading Diet for a Small Planet in the 80s is what got me from this fear that we’re in danger of not getting enough protein and dying, that enabled me to stop eating meat. Years later I was avoiding fiber remove foods. Years later I was avoiding packaged[…] Keep reading →

110: Geoffrey West, part 3: Using science to create a vision for the future (transcript)

on December 26, 2018 in Podcast

I think of Jeffrey’s research as particularly valuable since it comes from different directions and draws from many different sources than most environmental approaches do. He takes a different approach to technology and innovation. He’s not so big on technology. I mean he’s big on it but he recognizes its limitations and its potential for harm. Rarely do I hear of scientists saying that their research points to leadership. In[…] Keep reading →

109: Flying and Polluting Helps Elect Trump (transcript)

on December 20, 2018 in Podcast

Here’s an episode for everyone out there who can’t stand Trump and doesn’t want Trump 2020. Now for those of you who love Trump I’ve got words environmentally speaking for you as well. But this one’s for the people who can’t stand Trump. As for you anti-Trump voters, it may sound critical of you. It probably is. But if you listen carefully, it’s about a winning strategy for you. My[…] Keep reading →

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