What are your beliefs and models?

July 8, 2013 by Joshua
in Blog

My series on beliefs got me more page views and emails from readers than average.

Did it get you to examine your beliefs? Did you do the exercise that started it for me? It costs nothing and takes only a few minutes.

I ask not just because I’m curious, I ask for a reason we could all benefit from. As much as I like how my beliefs work for me, many people have beliefs that could work yet better for me and everyone else.

I invite you to share your beliefs here. You might help me. You might help others. More importantly, you’ll help yourself. Writing them out will force you to examine them more deeply, which will likely help them help you. Giving others a chance to comment on them may help more.

So please write me at josh@spodek.net or post a response to this page by scrolling to the bottom. If you email me I’ll keep you as anonymous as you want. Or link to your page if you want. You can write as much or as little as you want.

I prefer a format something like the following, but feel free to write however you want

  • Overall description of what problem the belief solves
  • Name and describe the belief
  • When do you use it
  • What belief does it replace
  • Where does it lead

It doesn’t matter if you think your models are effective or not. Just increasing your awareness of them helps you. And they may help others, or help others to help you.

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