Big milestone: I turned in my latest manuscript yesterday, the last substantive edits.

February 23, 2024 by Joshua
in Creativity

Several readers read the last round and reviewed it very highly. I keep tightening it and clarifying parts, which improves it, but the big challenge in settling down to publish is that I’m learning more and faster than ever.

This round got some great new stuff. I’m beyond enthusiastic about it reaching shelves and your hands. I won’t lie: I also feel anxiety and fear. The reviews that matter to me are yours, the reader’s.

The process of writing forces me to reflect and clarify. Living more sustainably teaches me more. I can’t stop reading and learning about how people did things before that worked, from our grandparents to ancestors farther back to poor people who can’t pollute as much as us for lack of access, and most of all from sustainable indigenous cultures. Also, the workshops: teaching forces me to learn.

The result: I keep finding things to include or improve. I don’t just find things to add. I find ways to streamline, clarify, refine, focus, and other ways to improve.

Still, deadlines help. My publisher and I agreed I won’t edit past the end of this month. So come February, no more substantive edits and we go with what’s ready then. Anything new will go into the next book or my appearances in media. When the book is ready, I can stop declining for the reason that I was focusing on writing my book.

I think you’ll love it.

Fountain Pen

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1 response to “Big milestone: I turned in my latest manuscript yesterday, the last substantive edits.

  1. Pingback: This week’s selected media: February 25, 2024: Carmaggeddon, The Lover, Happy Fat, and Origins » Joshua Spodek

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