How This Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy Can Help You Reach Your Potential

October 5, 2016 by Joshua
in Fitness,

My article yesterday, “How This Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy Can Help You Reach Your Potential,” began

How This Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy Can Help You Reach Your Potential

Can his example lead you to achieve something you thought you couldn’t?

Why are we here at if not to be part of a community focused on improving ourselves, leading others, setting examples, and changing the world?

And what are we standing against, if not accepting the status quo and limitations others try to impose on us? What do entrepreneurs do except do what others thought impossible?

Watching the video below, from Great Big Story, I couldn’t help think of how many people want to become more fit but accept physical limitations others get past. When I say fit, I don’t just mean physically fit, but also fit in business, relationships, and mentally.

Read the rest at How This Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy Can Help You Reach Your Potential.

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