Booklist starred review for my book, Leadership Step by Step: “This is practical training made perfect. Bravo!”

January 12, 2017 by Joshua
in Education, Leadership

I was pleasantly surprised by my publisher, Amacom, yesterday to learn that my book, Leadership Step by Step, received a starred review from Booklist.

Booklist will publish the full review in their February 1st issue, so I can’t quote the whole thing, but I’ll quote what Amacom quoted:

This is practical training made perfect. Bravo!

Booklist starred review Leadership Step by Step

For those who don’t know much about Booklist, like I didn’t before looking them up, I’ll quote this Slate article, “Book Report:How four magazines you’ve probably never read help determine what books you buy“:

Look up a book on, and the first media review you see isn’t from a well-known book review outlet such as the New York Times or Washington Post but from Publishers Weekly. Scroll down, and chances are you’ll also find an opinion from Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, or Booklist.

You’ve probably never read these magazines, even if you’ve seen their names on book jackets. But they’re helping determine what you read. Together, they make up the big four of book industry trade journals, aimed at publishing insiders: newspaper and magazine editors, bookstore and library book-buyers, literary agents, and film industry types scanning them for movie rights. Long important as behind-the-scenes power brokers, they became even more powerful in the 1990s, when online booksellers signed deals with them. (Barnes &, like Amazon, has a deal with Publishers Weekly.) Their reviews—300 or so words of plot summary, context, and a quick verdict—influence which books get noticed, bought, and promoted in the media.

Leadership Step by Step, the book by Joshua Spodek

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