A burpee brother!
Someone who posted about my burpee discipline posted about someone else who does them too, a guy in England with a blog subtitled “The ramblings of a somewhat burpee-obsessed social misfit.” Among other things he did ladder-year of burpees, meaning one burpee on day one, two on day two, up to 365 on day 365—pushing 70,000 burpees in a year!
How could I not love his blog?
If you like exercise, discipline and all it bring, I recommend reading his blog. Besides finding the exercise and fun in it, he also finds what I consider a SIDCHAs greatest value, and a 365-day burpee ladder is a SIDCHA if ever I saw one—the essence of a SIDCHA is that you keep doing it for the benefit it brings. I posted on his blog and he wrote back to say he’s continuing to do them after the ladder ended. In other words, consistent regular burpees improve your life.
It is really about the discipline of daily practice. Either sharpening your discipline, testing it or building it through daily action for those who feel they lack. It is not about the grand gesture or a great achievement every day. It is about the day-to-day grind. The setting out of our goal and the discipline to knock it down. I think list people are capable of facing down a big challenge, to gird their loins for the big push. But the day-in, day-out completion of what is required to inch closer to your goal, that eludes most.It is within our capabilities. Will we do it? If we want to.
The 100 day burpee ladder isn’t about posting impressive numbers – although for some on the challenge, each and every day builds new heights of explosive activity. And at the end of each day there is a lurking, uninvited thought about the shadow cast by the next day’s ask. And so, the physically active and the burpee-fresher are presented with a similar mental challenge.
Everybody will find THEIR rhythm of the exercise, the experienced may already have it. The real heart and soul of this challenge is the reaching the finish line. It is not in the speed or grace displayed in getting there. With Halloween, Thanksgiving (Canadian and American), Diwali and other festivals during this current crew’s 100 days, their will be plenty of temptation to fall off the trail!
He also made this video, which I envy him for and wish I’d made one so I could show my burpees in all those countries. Instead of his with one-arm push-ups, jumping over tables, and other variations, I’d show mine when I had to do them drunk or falling asleep, but doing them no matter what. Now I want to try many those variations I’d read about but never tried.
Enjoy your burpee ladder!
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees
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