Category Archives: Blog

173: Chase Amante, part 1A: How to start and run a business giving men dating advice

on April 27, 2019 in Blog

Chase runs GirlsChase, one of the most trafficked sites for dating coaching, which recently celebrated 10 years in business. It sets itself apart from its peers, besides its longevity with basic material, not gimmicks, for men to improve their lives, still getting about 40% traffic from women. The episode is long because Chase shared in depth what I consider valuable for someone wanting to lead in the area of the[…] Keep reading →

How to generate clicks

on April 26, 2019 in Blog

Focusing on nonjudgment and support has taught me a lot. People like responding to judgment. Want clicks? Put judgment in a headline. “The right way to X,” “The best Y,” “What’s wrong with Z.” Want long-term attention? Invent a word or concept that sounds objective but is subjective, sound authoritative, and throw in some judgment. Think “orthorexia nervosa.” Someone made up a term to imply people focus too much on[…] Keep reading →

Cures that cause their diseases

on April 22, 2019 in Blog

I’ve meant to write this pattern: behavior that causes the problems that the behavior is supposed to solve. Trying to strengthen an arch by supporting it from below. Arches derive their strength from the pressure its elements put on each other. Supporting its elements from below reduces the pressure between elements and weakens the arch. I think shoe makers love this effect. They sell shoes that purport to support your[…] Keep reading →

170: Colonel Mark Read, part 2: His Family’s Best Christmas Ever

on April 18, 2019 in Blog

A lot of people say, “Josh, easy for you to act on the environment. You don’t have kids.” First, I could point to former guest Bea Johnson, who with her husband and 2 sons, produce less than a mason jar of trash per year, whom I see as role models to aspire to. I could point out former guest Jim Harshaw, who involved his four children and wife in his[…] Keep reading →

168: Sir Ken Robinson: Wisdom on the intersection of education, leadership, and the environment

on April 15, 2019 in Blog

As a professor of leadership, host of this podcast, and constant student of acting by my environmental values, I live and work in the intersection of leadership, education, and the environment. Ken Robinson does too, but with a big difference: he’s been here for decades longer, actively practicing in each. This episode approaches each of education, leadership, and the environment from several perspectives. I can’t say anything better than his[…] Keep reading →

News roundup: drugs, sex, and injuries

on March 2, 2019 in Blog

I read the news—more specifically, pages that refresh daily or more frequently—a couple times a month and usually regret it. It usually reminds me that their main goal is to keep people reading, which it achieves by prompting outrage or some other emotion that keeps bringing you back but doesn’t necessarily improve your life. That is, news is more “want more” than “tastes good.” Anyway, since I read some news,[…] Keep reading →

The Ethicist: Can I Turn Down Family Requests for Money?

on February 24, 2019 in Blog

My series answering the New York Times’ Ethicist column with an active, leadership approach instead of an analytical, philosophical perspective continues with “Can I Turn Down Family Requests for Money?”. My family splits into two camps: people who have money and people who don’t. We didn’t start in different places; we evolved into them. My father, my brother and I are savers and planners. My sister, my aunt and my[…] Keep reading →

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