Category Archives: Blog

Year 8, Day 1 of Daily Burpees

on December 22, 2018 in Blog

On December 22, 2011, I did ten burpees, planning with a friend to do ten a day for thirty days. Origins A friend asked me in my senior year of high school how I had lost my chubbiness from 9th grade, since he and I started with the same body type but I got more fit. My joining the cross country team probably helped. I also played ultimate frisbee with[…] Keep reading →

Hey New Yorker, your bigotry is showing

on December 21, 2018 in Blog

The nation and world have seen a lot of sexism and inequality. I don’t like it. I work to end it. I don’t believe that the counter to sexism hurting one sex is sexism hurting another group, I believe it’s to stop hurting either and to promote equality. Not everyone agrees, it seems, as some like to judge others by their sex. Naomi Fry wrote in the New Yorker, “This[…] Keep reading →

109: Flying and Polluting Helps Elect Trump

on December 20, 2018 in Blog

This episode is for people who detest Trump. I’ll speak to people who love him in future episodes. If you pollute and emit greenhouse emissions beyond the IPCC recommendations, which one round-trip cross country coach flight will nearly do, you personally pulled out of the Paris Agreement so many people criticized Trump for pulling out of. If you defend your flying and other pollution as necessary for your job, congratulations,[…] Keep reading →

108: Awareness Is A Delay Tactic, A Smokescreen

on December 19, 2018 in Blog

I talk to a lot of people who aren’t acting on their environmental values. They explain their inaction in many ways, but one of the top ones is that they claim they first have to raise their awareness or become more conscious. To claim unawareness of an issue making global front page news monthly, maybe weekly, when anyone who has ordered takeout or considered eating less meat or driving fewer[…] Keep reading →

107: Beth Comstock, part 1: Inside the Fortune 5 C-Suite

on December 18, 2018 in Blog

Beth personifies whom this podcast is designed to showcase: someone whose hard work, risk-taking, and personal challenge brought her to the pinnacle of her craft, which she is willing to share. That is, someone who did what leaders in the environment have to—to work hard before you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, having faith in yourself. She shares inside views of cultural change toward environmental[…] Keep reading →

106: Exploding the Myth that Technology Will Save Us

on December 17, 2018 in Blog

Many people believe that technology will save many of our environmental problems. I’ve written and spoken on how making a polluting system more efficient will lead to it polluting more efficiently. My recent cross-country trip by Amtrak, which prompted me to wonder what it would take to transform Amtrak into a first-world train system, illustrated the challenges of systemic change and how pushing on one lever won’t do it. Do[…] Keep reading →

The Ethicist: Do I Have to Repay a Loan to an Ex-Lover?

on December 16, 2018 in Blog

My series answering the New York Times’ Ethicist column with an active, leadership approach instead of an analytical, philosophical perspective continues with “Do I Have to Repay a Loan to an Ex-Lover?”. I recently ended a long relationship (we were engaged for several years). The split was tumultuous but ultimately amicable. While we were together, my fiancé gave me a loan to help with rent while I was on a[…] Keep reading →

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