Fourteen years ago today I swam across the Hudson River for the first time

August 9, 2022 by Joshua
in Fitness, Freedom

The bigger an achievement, the more it’s just the start of another stage in your life.

Maybe swimming across the Hudson was my start of learning that you don’t have to fly to create life experiences, that we don’t have to accept what others consider impossible, and that we aren’t risking our lives to do things people have done for thousands of years.

I’ve used the picture of my swimming across at the top of my home page to represent me crossing from one part of my life to another, less passive, less accepting what others tell me. Now I do hundreds of thousands of burpees, write bestsellers, lead world-renowned guests on the podcast, and go months with my apartment disconnected from the grid. The last item I consider one of the most important role modeling the word can use, assuming I spread the word effectively. I’ve already reset my idea of what’s possible versus impossible. Next: the rest of America, then the world. I suppose the rest of the world may get it before most of America does *sigh*.

Here’s the original uncropped picture:

Manhattan ahead, New Jersey behind
Manhattan ahead, New Jersey behind

Here’s me reaching Manhattan:

Last stroke!
Last stroke!

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