Full Monty Leadership hosts me on initiative, leadership, and the environment
My friend and leadership guru Dov Baron, founder of Full Monty Leadership, hosted me on his podcast.
He got me talking about the core of nearly all of what I do. He brings out passions in people. He brings just as much passion, maybe more.
Click to listen to the conversation, “Initiative: Bring Your Passions to Life.”
What type of person is Dov?
Is he just another podcaster, author, and coach?
Just for starters . . .
You may also recognize Dov from being a guest on my podcast. More than hearing him on my podcast, he ranks among the guests I speak of most because of the passion he brought to the experience. Not everyone starts off prioritizing the environment. Dov didn’t ignore it, but he didn’t prioritize it either.
Until the podcast. When he thought about it and, as leaders do, acted on it, not just analyzed and planned, he committed beyond what most do. He stopped using his car and hasn’t used it since. Most importantly, he loved and grew from the experience.
So I speak about him to others on my podcast and I speak about him to people in person. If you’ve heard me speak in the past year, there’s a good chance Dov’s inspiration influenced my talk.
Click to listen to the conversation, “Initiative: Bring Your Passions to Life.”
Our latest conversation
Dov brings out the best in all his guests.
I’m honored that he brought out the best in me, covering my new book, Initiative, as well as the behind-the-scenes vulnerabilities, plus a bunch on environmental leadership.
Dov and I go back, so the conversation is more friendly than most, which lets both of us open up more.
Click to listen to the conversation, “Initiative: Bring Your Passions to Life.”
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees