—Systemic change begins with personal change—

033: David Biello, conversation 3: “It’s easier than you think”


David shares what happens when you act on your values: Act on your values -> better life -> act on your values more -> yet better life -> etc This cycle is the opposite mainstream society suggests---that environmental action distracts from getting ahead, costs more, or whatever excuse. Acting on your values distracts from living by others' values---in particular, the values of people and institutions trying to influence you most. Who are they? Top ones I think of include: Ads trying to sell you aspiration "Food" companies trying to sell you sugar, fat, and salt News media selling you outrage, fear, and offense TV and movies selling you violence and sex and so on. Your first steps away from it reveal how rewarding and, after the initial struggle, easy continuing is. David shares his challenges, struggles, and reflections You still have to start, which David shares. Conversations with people who have acted, as David has, differ from with people who haven't. People who act are less defensive, less "what about you", more thoughtful, and more enthusiastic to act more. Once you start, you'll find many reasons to continue. The ones not to continue---lethargy, complacency, conforming, etc---are ones you probably want to grow out of if you listen to a podcast with the word "Leadership" in the title. What's next? You can hear David on the verge of taking on greater challenges. What will he do next? Will his changes influence TED? Listen to hear what he starts considering for more living by his values. Read the transcript.

032: David Biello, conversation 2: “Way better than I expected … and easier”


David challenged himself to reduce his meat eating. His result? Right off the bat, he said he found it way better and easier than expected. He felt good and wants to do more. What are you waiting for? Chances are your choice to live by your values will be easier and you'll want to do more---if you act. You'll also hear from David how he made it work---using his community, choosing his beliefs, considering his goals, and so on. He feels physically better. This conversation set a tone for the podcast of finding joy in the change. The value of acting and involving others You might wonder why he didn't change earlier. He knew the issues and felt the motivation before. He's the Science Curator for TED! He knows the top people in the world who present on this in the most compelling way. Yet he sounded happily surprised at his results. That's the value of acting, not just talking and thinking. Sharing with others engages and attracts them to help. You have to lead them, not accept their criticism based on the values of a system you are rejecting. As you think about your values and a challenge to act on it, his experience implies you will enjoy it more than you expect. Read the transcript.

025: David Biello, Conversation 1: We Can Do This


David Biello is one of the few people I've met who understands environmental issues, doesn't complain or vent doom and gloom. Instead he approaches with a simple, but responsible and thoughtful perspective. I met David after reading a review of his book, The Unnatural World: The Race to Remake Civilization in Earth's Newest Age, saying that David says: we already have the money and technology to make profound environmental change; what we need is large-scale motivation. With a defiantly hopeful tone, he profiles some of the most effective change-makers. Large-scale motivation means leadership to me. Having heard this view almost nowhere, but considering it the most important, I read his book and contacted him. He writes for Scientific American and is the Science Curator for TED. If you want to know about what's happening environmentally in a straightforward, no nonsense way, listen. Also read his book. He knows the issues and he cares. He's thought about the issues people's motivations, what holds people back, what can work. He also committed to a personal challenge many of you will resonate with. He reminds us that making a difference requires taking responsibility. People may prefer technological silver bullets, government silver bullets, and other ways for others to act first, but all those deus ex machinas people dream of will come if we act first. You and I. He offers many examples of hope. We've done more before: smoking, freeing South Africa and India, slavery. Read the transcript.

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