—Systemic change begins with personal change—

508: Eric Orts, part 2: To the U.S. Senate, living the values he leads


Since Eric's last time here, he formally declared he is running for office. Now he's reporting back months into his campaign. Did Trump not being in office slow him down? Or did our environmental problems motivate him even more? How about his commitment to avoid flying? Surely he gave it up to campaign, right? Or did he? Whichever way he went on that commitment, the decision must have been difficult, so we'll get to hear about his values. We talked about half about running for office, the challenge of choosing, consulting with people from President Biden to his wife, raising funds, handling his job as a tenured professor, considering travel across a large state and to Washington DC, and more. This podcast was one of Eric's first public statements of considering to run. Now he returns to share the experience, with an election looming.

397: Eric Orts, part 1: Exploring a Senate Race


Eric Orts is a tenured professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is also exploring a potential race for the U.S. Senate: the seat from which two-term Senator Patrick Toomey has announced he will retire in 2022. On this broadcast he promises, as an expression of his values, not to fly for the next year. He pledges further, if he decides to run for office, not to fly during his campaign.

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