—Systemic change begins with personal change—

136: Nataly Kogan, part 2: Happiness Comes From Skills You Can Learn


Happiness comes from skills, which you can learn, which Nataly teaches. Environmental action does too. Happiness and living harmoniously with the environment and your values go well together, as would make sense given our environmental history. Many people think starting small isn't worth it. Watch Nataly's videos and read her book about improving happiness. Any skill you learn helps you learn other skills. Starting small works. I suspect her experience developing happiness-related skills enabled her to reduce her bottle use by 99%, improving family morale in the process. You tell me if you think she'll apply it more, since you'll hear how she made it meaningful. I suggest that if developing happiness skills helped her act on her environmental values, that acting on environmental skills will also help her become happier. Nataly is all about making things you want to do rewarding, fun, enjoyable. What are you waiting for to start? You can make it enjoyable, even the starting. Naturally, I hope you'll take on acting on your leadership or environmental values, not anyone else's. But act. You won't regret making yourself happy in the process. Read the transcript.

080: Nataly Kogan, Part 1, Influencing others to live happier


Happier Now. Nataly starts by sharing her personal story of her family escaping Russia to America, navigating life with immigrant parents. She shares some vulnerable and raw experiences. Even so, she shares feeling blessed to be living in Detroit projects. Listen for why. She talks about taking many wrong turns, decades chasing happiness through achievements and success, trying to hide from feelings of pain, sadness, or stress. She hit a wall, but eventually discovered happiness here and now, not always having to strive, is the key. Nataly shares her 5 core happier skills that you can implement now. They're free on her page, with videos, and comprehensively in her book Happier Now. When talking about her challenge we talk about making it fun for her family. Read the transcript.

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