—Systemic change begins with personal change—

493: Sarah Wilson: Living Joyfully Sustainably (more fun than excuses)


Strolling, not scrolling! Sarah acts sustainably and loves it. She shares that love. I loved this conversation, a relief from everyone making stewardship a burden and chore. She knows the science but leads with emotion based on experience. The conversation was half love-fest of common experience, half sharing our frustration at people not acting for reasons we don't get anymore since they don't realize how fun living in harmony with nature and people is. We shared about being called extreme, which feels crazy to two people who are just having fun. Who ever heard of someone enjoying life, nature, and people too much? We lamented feeling misunderstood of not having fun. We shared our confusion about people not acting since for us it's fun. We aren't really confused since we were there too, but we have to work to get back to a state of not wanting to act in stewardship. We shared embracing nature. We lamented society's disconnection from nature. We're annoyed that people who think they care keep pushing work instead of joy, technology instead of simplicity and connection. Enjoy two people sharing joy living sustainably doing all we can to bring everyone else to experience that joy.

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