How do you honor Easter?
This morning I joined my regular Sunday group organized by my City Council to pick up litter. I pick up litter daily, but Sundays connect with others and spend more time. Most days I pick up maybe a dozen pieces. Today I filled three or four bags.

Today is Easter too. Raised by two biological parents and one step-parent, each raised with different traditions, I painted a few Easter eggs growing up. Today’s world means there’s more plastic and litter to pick up than eggs. Sad.
Anyway, walking through my neighborhood, trash bag in hand, often dropping to my knees and kneeling, I passed a big church on Sixth Avenue, just letting out its congregation around 12:30pm. They were in their Sunday best. I think I dressed well, but not in a spring suit.
Do you believe in Jesus? Do you today celebrate his resurrection? If so, I’m curious your thoughts. Which way honors the creator of our world—to kneel pick up litter dropped by others, blemishes on an Earth given to steward, at least as I understand it, or to kneel in church?
I don’t mean to imply one can’t do both. I’m just curious about others’ views. When I pick up litter, I feel I’m acting in service of others, acting on the Golden Rule of do unto others, acting on values and emotions of honor, duty, family, humility, stewardship, cleanliness, faith, and glory. I don’t go out picking up litter for my health or to pass laws. I do it out of honor, integrity, and service to others. These seem similar to people’s experience in church.
If you went to church today, I’m curious how picking up other people’s litter compares with going to church. I’d love your thoughts.
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