If your solution to our environmental problems is your solution to problems before them, you’re probably tribal, not thoughtful, and exacerbating them.

August 5, 2024 by Joshua
in Nature

A lot of people on the left and right seem to want to solve our environmental problems with the solutions they promote for all problems.

People on the left want to fight environmental problems with government regulation, to end systemic racism, and to smash the patriarchy. On the right they want to liberalize markets and decrease regulation.

Does it seem odd to anyone else that their solutions to these new problems are exactly what they promote to solve problems before them? Does it suggest that maybe they don’t understand our environmental problems and are just pushing their old agendas, using the new situation as a pretext? What are the odds that new problems never seen in human history just happen to be solved by solutions that arose from unrelated situations?

Maybe I’m being too glib, but I’ll go out on a limb and say that if your solution to our environmental problems is what your tribe says solves other, unrelated problems (anti-racism or free markets, for example) you likely don’t understand the problems and are exacerbating them.

If you’re doing what you and your tribe did before, maybe you (and your opponents) contributed to these problems.

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